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Living with purpose and embracing every moment

Updated: Mar 1

I came across a list of questions that have really have me thinking. The questions came from my mentor, Brooke Castillo from The Life Coach School.

  1. If you had a year to live, what would you start doing

  2. If you had a year to live, what would you stop doing

  3. If you had a year to live, what would you care more about

  4. If you had a year to live, what would you care less about

The real question is: Why do your thoughts, feelings and actions change if you have less time to live?

Things that may come to mind are that you would take more vacations, or revisit some favorite places. Maybe you would offer forgiveness to somebody you've been holding back on. Would you spend more time with your loved ones, friends and family? When we put these things into perspective, it may or not change how we live our daily lives. After doing a little research, some answered these questions as nothing -they would change nothing and would continue to live their lives the way that they do.

What would you start, stop, care more or less about?

And the most important questions is why would a shorter time frame change things for you? What's holding you back from doing what you want?

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