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Grab a tennis ball, ladies!

Updated: Apr 15

Massage therapists are short in supply right now! Hygienists need massage therapists for all those aches and pains we get hunched over our patients every day.

Have you ever used a tennis ball for a massage? Here's a few ways to use it! If you're hardcore you can use a lacrosse ball.

Back Massage: Lie on the floor with the tennis ball placed under your back in the area where you feel tension. Roll back and forth slowly, allowing the ball to apply pressure to the muscles. This will help to release tension and promote relaxation.

  1. Hand Exercise: Hold the tennis ball in your hand and squeeze it really tight for a few seconds, then release. Repeat several times and this will help release tension and will help your hands relax, bringing in new blood supply!

  2. Neck Massage: Place the tennis ball between your neck and a wall, and gently roll your neck back and forth over the ball. This will help release tension and will bring blood flow to the area.

  3. Shoulder Massage: Place the tennis ball between your shoulder and a wall, and gently roll your shoulder back and forth over the ball. This helps release tension and helps you relax your shoulders.

  4. Foot Massage: Put the tennis ball on the floor and roll it around on the bottom of your foot. This helps promote blood flow to your foot and it also helps release tension.

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